Wednesday, June 25, 2008


If you use the Apache MSI package and are looking for a portable Apache ZIP package, which you can just unpack and install, look for it on These guys maintaining alternative Apache distribution package that can be unpacked and started from your USB flash drive in seconds.

Friday, June 13, 2008

See real script error hidden by "The webside cannot display the page"

When you see in your browser "The website cannot display the page" error message like this:

And want to discover a "real" error, just click Tools -> Internet Options, then clear the "Show friendly HTTP error messages" check box on the "Advanced" tab and click Ok.

Then just refresh the page.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Starting PHP CLI with custom PHP.ini

If you HTTP server PHP configuration is different from PHP command line configuration and this prevents you from using PHP CLI, you can resolve this by creating different version of the PHP.ini and specify it when you call the PHP.exe from the command line. You can specify the PHP.ini in one of the following ways:
  • Using PHPRC environment variable. This tutorial will help you to modify environment variables on Windows.
  • With -c command line PHP.exe switch as follows:
    C:\> C:\PHP5\php.exe -c C:\PHP5\PHP.CLI.ini script.php